Migrating from Oracle 19c to Postgres involves a number of steps. Here's a rough outline of the process along with some commands you can use:
Install Postgres on the target server.
Create a new database in Postgres:
createdb mynewdatabase
Install the Ora2Pg tool on the source server:
arduinosudo apt-get install ora2pg
Generate the Ora2Pg configuration file:
cssora2pg --init_project myproject
Edit the configuration file to match your Oracle database:
bashvi myproject/ora2pg.conf
Convert the Oracle database schema to Postgres:
bashora2pg -t EXPORT_SCHEMA -c myproject/ora2pg.conf -o schema.sql
Convert the Oracle database data to Postgres:
bashora2pg -t EXPORT -c myproject/ora2pg.conf -o data.sql
Transfer the schema and data files to the target server.
Load the schema and data into Postgres:
graphqlpsql mynewdatabase < schema.sql psql mynewdatabase < data.sql
Verify that the data has been migrated correctly.
Update any application code that accesses the database to use Postgres instead of Oracle.
Note that this is a high-level overview and there may be additional steps or variations depending on the specific needs of your migration. It's also important to thoroughly test the new system before cutting over to it in production.