Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Empowering Oracle Standard Edition Users: Navigating Disaster Recovery Alternatives Without Data Guard

Oracle Standard Edition Disaster Recovery Alternatives



For Oracle Standard Edition (SE) users seeking disaster recovery (DR) alternatives in the absence of Oracle Data Guard, several viable options exist. This document explores alternative strategies that balance cost-effectiveness with time-efficient recovery solutions. Each option is presented with considerations and recommendations for implementation.


1.                Third-Party Replication Tools:

Explore third-party replication tools compatible with Oracle SE. These tools offer features akin to Oracle Data Guard for replication and failover. Evaluate and select a tool that aligns with your organization's requirements.


2.                Log Shipping and Custom Scripts:

Implement a custom log shipping solution utilizing Oracle's built-in log shipping features and custom scripts. Develop a robust procedure for copying archived redo logs and applying them at the standby database.


3.                Storage-Based Replication:

Investigate storage systems with replication capabilities for creating a standby database. Ensure the chosen solution provides consistent snapshots for efficient management.


4.                Logical Replication:

Explore logical replication options using Oracle Streams or third-party tools operating at the SQL level. Evaluate the capabilities and compatibility of these tools with Oracle SE.


5.                Scripted Solutions:

Develop custom scripts for periodic data export/import between primary and standby databases. Utilize tools like Data Pump to facilitate efficient data transfer.


6.                Database Cloning:

Implement regular database cloning as a quick recovery solution. While not real-time, it provides an effective means of minimizing downtime in case of a disaster.


7.                Snapshot-Based Solutions:

Explore storage snapshot technologies offered by your storage vendor. These solutions capture point-in-time copies, enabling swift recovery. Ensure snapshot consistency for reliability.


8.                Database Backup and Recovery Tools:

Leverage robust backup and recovery tools like Oracle RMAN or third-party solutions. Optimize incremental backups for efficient recovery.


9.                Remote Standby Database with Manual Switchover:

Create a remote standby database with a manual switchover process. Though not fully automated, periodic shipping of archived redo logs facilitates controlled switchover when needed.


10.            Database Replication using GoldenGate:

Evaluate Oracle GoldenGate for real-time data replication compatible with Oracle SE. Assess its capabilities in replicating changes between databases.


11.            Cloud-Based Solutions:

Consider cloud-based disaster recovery using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) for standby databases. Leverage scalability and cost-effectiveness offered by cloud services.


12.            Virtualization and Cloning:

Utilize virtualization technologies for creating production database clones. While not real-time replication, it provides a quick recovery option. Evaluate solutions like Oracle VM VirtualBox or VMware.


13.            Active-Active Architectures:

Implement an active-active architecture with load balancing. Distribute workload across multiple instances, redirecting traffic in case of failure. Requires careful application design.


14.            Managed Service Providers (MSPs):

Investigate services from Managed Service Providers specializing in database replication and disaster recovery. MSPs may offer tailored, cost-effective solutions.


Selecting the most suitable alternative depends on your organization's specific needs, budget constraints, and recovery objectives. Thorough testing in a controlled environment is essential to validate the chosen solution's effectiveness in achieving desired recovery outcomes. Stay informed about Oracle SE updates and related technologies for continuous improvement in your disaster recovery strategy.

Looking forward for your suggestions.. please feel free to write to me.. Your help would definitely help to improve our blog. Chetan Yadav

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Unlocking Efficiency: Tips and Tricks for Oracle DBAs in the Linux Environment

Unlocking Efficiency: Tips and Tricks for Oracle DBAs in the Linux Environment

As an Oracle Database Administrator (DBA), navigating the Linux environment can significantly enhance your day-to-day operations. Here are some valuable tips and tricks to streamline your workflow and maximize productivity.

1. Master the Linux Command Line:

Embrace the power of the command line interface (CLI). Familiarize yourself with essential commands like ls, cd, and cp. Explore advanced commands for file manipulation, system information retrieval, and process management.

2. Optimize Disk Space:

Use commands like df and du to monitor disk space usage. Identify and clean up unnecessary files or directories regularly to prevent performance issues.

3. Process Management:

Master the art of process management with commands like ps, top, and kill. Efficiently monitor and control system processes to enhance overall performance.

4. File and Directory Permissions:

Understand Linux file permissions using chmod and chown. Properly manage access control to ensure data security and integrity.

5. Text Processing Tools:

Leverage text processing commands like grep, awk, and sed for efficient log analysis, data extraction, and manipulation.

6. Monitoring System Performance:

Use tools like vmstat, sar, and iostat to monitor system performance in real-time. Identify bottlenecks and proactively address issues to maintain optimal database performance.

7. Shell Scripting:

Automate routine tasks with shell scripting. Create scripts to perform backups, monitor logs, or execute maintenance tasks, saving time and minimizing errors.

8. Networking Commands:

Familiarize yourself with networking commands (ping, netstat, traceroute) to troubleshoot connectivity issues and ensure seamless communication between systems.

9. Security Best Practices:

Implement security measures using tools like iptables for firewall configuration. Regularly update and patch the system to protect against vulnerabilities.

10. Stay Informed:

Keep abreast of Linux updates, security advisories, and best practices. Engage with the Linux and Oracle communities to share knowledge and stay informed about emerging trends.


Embracing Linux as an Oracle DBA opens up a realm of possibilities for efficient database management. By mastering essential commands and incorporating smart practices, you can elevate your skills, optimize performance, and make day-to-day tasks a breeze. Stay curious, keep exploring, and unlock the full potential of Linux in your Oracle DBA journey.

Looking forward for your suggestions.. please feel free to write to me.. Your help would definitely help to improve our blog. Chetan Yadav

Monday, November 27, 2023

Oracle 19c Silent Installation Step by Step on RHEL with Two PDBs


Before you begin the silent installation of Oracle 19c on RHEL with two PDBs, you will need to ensure that your system meets the following prerequisites:

  • Operating System: Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 or 8
  • Memory: At least 16GB of RAM
  • Disk Space: At least 40GB of free disk space
  • User: A non-root user with sudo privileges

Step 1: Download Oracle 19c Software

  1. Download the Oracle 19c software from the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) website.
  2. Extract the downloaded software to a convenient location on your system.

Step 2: Create Installation Directories

  1. Create the following directories for the Oracle 19c installation:
  1. Set the ownership of the directories to the oracle user and group:
chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01/app/oracle/product
chown -R oracle:oinstall /u02/oradata

Step 3: Create Oracle User and Group

  1. Create the oracle user and group:
groupadd oinstall
useradd -g oinstall -M oracle
  1. Set the password for the oracle user:
passwd oracle

Step 4: Configure SELinux

  1. Edit the /etc/selinux/config file and set SELINUX=permissive:
  1. Save the file and reboot your system:

Step 5: Disable Firewall

  1. Disable the firewall to allow Oracle to communicate with the outside world:
systemctl stop firewalld
systemctl disable firewalld

Step 6: Set Environment Variables

  1. Add the following environment variables to your ~/.bashrc file:
ORACLE_SID=cStep 7: Unzip Oracle Software
  1. Unzip the Oracle 19c software into the ORACLE_HOME directory:
unzip <oracle_software_file_name> -d $ORACLE_HOMEStep 8: Create Database Configuration File
  1. Create a response file named db_install.rsp in the ORACLE_HOME/install/response directory:
vim db_install.rsp
  1. Add the following parameters to the db_install.rsp file:



  1. Save and close the db_install.rsp file.

Step 9: Run Oracle Universal Installer (OUI)

  1. Navigate to the ORACLE_HOME directory:
  1. Run the OUI in silent mode using the following command:
./runInstaller -silent -responseFile db_install.rsp -executeConfig

Step 10: Create PDBs Using Commands

  1. After the installation is complete, you can create the two PDBs using the following commands:
sqlplus / as sysdba << EOF

  1. To mount the PDBs, run the following commands:
sqlplus / as sysdba << EOF
  1. Connect to each PDB as SYSDBA and create the necessary tablespaces and users:
sqlplus / as sysdba << EOF
CREATE TABLESPACE pdb1_tbs DATAFILE '/u02/oradata/pdb1/pdb1_tbs.dbf' SIZE 10M;
CREATE USER pdb1_user IDENTIFIED BY pdb1_password;

sqlplus / as sysdba << EOF
CREATE TABLESPACE pdb2_tbs DATAFILE '/u02/oradata/pdb2/pdb2_tbs.dbf' SIZE 10M;
CREATE USER pdb2_user IDENTIFIED BY pdb2_password;

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Oracle 19c on RHEL with two PDBs and created the necessary tablespaces and users for each PDB.

Looking forward for your suggestions.. please feel free to write to me.. Your help would definitely help to improve our blog. Chetan Yadav