Saturday, September 21, 2013

how to do linux partitions

how to do linux partitions  

Linux Partitions

Step 1 ) To Create the partitions

[root@client1 ~]# fdisk -l

[root@client1 ~]# fdisk /dev/hda

Command (m for help): m
d   delete a partition
      m   print this menu
    n   add a new partition
p   print the partition table
    q   quit without saving changes
    w   write table to disk and exit

Command (m for help):

Command (m for help): n
First cylinder (1098-2434, default 1098):
Using default value 1098
Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (1098-2434, default 2434): +100M
Command (m for help): p
Command (m for help): n
Command (m for help): p
Command (m for help): n
Command (m for help): p
Command (m for help): d
Command (m for help): 10 #write the number of partition
Command (m for help): w

[root@client1 ~]#

To update the kernel without restarting

[root@client1 ~]# partprobe /dev/hda

[root@client1 ~]# fdisk -l

Step 2 ) Make the filesystem ( i.e format the partition) ext2, ext3, vfat

[root@client1 ~]# mkfs.ext2 /dev/hda8

[root@client1 ~]# mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda9

[root@client1 ~]# mkfs.vfat /dev/hda10

Step 3 ) Create a folder & Mount the partition to use

[root@client1 ~]# mkdir /mnt/song /mnt/video /mnt/music

[root@client1 ~]# mount /dev/hda8 /mnt/song

[root@client1 ~]# mount /dev/hda9 /mnt/video
[root@client1 ~]# mount /dev/hda10 /mnt/music

[root@client1 ~]# mount

Step 4 ) Write the data inside the partition

[root@client1 ~]# cd /mnt/song

[root@client1 song]#

[root@client1 song]# touch myfile1 myfile2 myfile3

[root@client1 song]# mkdir hyd sec bhills ameerpet

[root@client1 song]# ls

*****************  This is the output  ********************

ameerpet  bhills  hyd  lost+found  myfile1  myfile2  myfile3  sec
[root@client1 myfolder]#

Converting from ext3 to ext2

[root@client1 ~]# umount /dev/hda8

[root@client1 ~]# tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/hda8

[root@client1 ~]# mount /dev/hda8 /myfolder/

[root@client1 ~]# mount

Convert from ext2 to ext3

[root@client1 ~]# umount /dev/hda8

[root@client1 ~]# tune2fs -j /dev/hda8

[root@client1 ~]# mount /dev/hda8 /myfolder

[root@client1 ~]# mount

Looking forward for your suggestions.. please feel free to write to me.. Your help would definitely help to improve our blog. Chetan Yadav

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Basic Linux Command

Basic Linux  Commands

1. To check the present working directory

 [root@database ~]# pwd

2. To show the contents of a directory (folder)

[root@database ~]# ls  args1    database_notes  Documents   ifcfg-eth1_March25  linux_image.iso  names         phonenubers  uln_migrate             uln_register.tar
args      BegPerl  Desktop         hello2.plx  index.html.1        mbox             oradiag_root  scripts    

3. To see more details including the permission regarding the contents of a
directory (folder)

[[root@database ~]# ls -l
total 3511620
-rw-r--r--  1 root   root       422670 Dec 30 10:29
-rwxr--r--  1 root   root          105 Apr  8 21:45 args
-rwxr--r--  1 root   root           32 Apr  8 21:51 args1
drwxr-xr-x 17 root   root         4096 Dec 30 10:31 BegPerl
-rw-r--r--  1 root   root         5022 Jan  5 09:55 database_notes
drwxr-xr-x  3 root   root         4096 Mar 25 04:45 Desktop
drwx------  3 root   root         4096 Mar 30 21:33 Documents

3. To see all contents including hidden files of a directory (folder)

[root@database ~]# ls -a
.              .bashrc         .eggcups         .gstreamer-0.10     mbox                 scripts                 uln_register.tar             .xauthgXJKsS
..             BegPerl         .elinks          .gtkrc-1.2-gnome2   .metacity            .sqldeveloper     .xauthixsRh6

4. To see tree structure of nested directories

[root@database ~]# ls -R /opt




To see a file starting from f

[root@database ~]# ls f*

To see a file have a middle string as disk

[root@database ~]# ls /bin/*disk*

To see a file whose length is 3 charaters

[root@database ~]# ls ???

To see a file which starts with single char & ends up with any number of character

[root@database ~]# ls ?edh*

5. To create a file
[root@database ~]# cat > file1
hi how are you

6. To see file content
[root@database ~]# cat file1

hi how are you

7. To append a file

[root@database ~]  cat >> file1
iam fine, it is very nice

[root@database ~] cat file1 file2 >> file3 #redirecting output to file3

[root@database ~] cat file3

8. To create a file using touch command

[root@database ~]# touch f1 f2 f3 f4

[root@database ~]# ls

9. Creating a single directory

[root@database ~]# mkdir dir

10. Creating multiple directories

[root@database ~]# mkdir dir1 dir2 dir3 dir4

[root@database ~]# ls

anaconda-ks.cfg  dir   dir2  dir4  f2  f4     file2  install.log      
Desktop          dir1  dir3  f1    f3  file1  file3  install.log.syslog

11. To create nested directories

[root@database ~]# mkdir -p d1/d2/d3/d4

To see the tree structure

[root@database ~]# ls -R d1




12. To change a directory

[root@database ~]# cd dir1

[root@database ~]# cd ..

[root@database ~]# cd ../..

[root@database ~]# cd -

[root@database ~]# pwd

[root@database ~]# cd

[root@database ~]# pwd

[root@database ~]#

13. To remove files

[root@database ~]# rm file1

rm: remove regular file `file1'? y

14. To remove an empty directory

[root@database ~]# rmdir dir1

[root@database ~]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg  Desktop  dir2  dir4  f2  f4     file3        install.log.syslog
d1               dir      dir3  f1    f3  file2  install.log  labmanual

15. To remove a directory
[root@database ~]# rm -rf dir

[root@database ~]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg  Desktop  dir3  f1  f3  file2  install.log         labmanual
d1               dir2     dir4  f2  f4  file3  install.log.syslog

To copy files

[root@database ~]# cp anaconda-ks.cfg file1

To copy folders

[root@database ~]# cp -r dir2 Desktop

To rename  directories and files

[root@database ~]# mv dir3 d4

[root@database ~]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg  d4       dir2  f1  f3  file1  file3        install.log.syslog
d1               Desktop  dir4  f2  f4  file2  install.log  labmanual

To move directories and files

[root@database ~]# mv dir2 /opt

[root@database ~]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg  d4       dir4  f2  f4     file2  install.log         labmanual
d1               Desktop  f1    f3  file1  file3  install.log.syslog

[root@database ~]# cd /opt

[root@database ~]#  ls

To search a word from single or multiple file’s

[root@database ~]# grep tom  /etc/passwd /etc/group /etc/gshadow


[root@database ~]# cat /etc/passwd | grep tom

To see the type of file

[root@database ~]# file *

To view the date

[root@database ~]# date

[root@database ~]# date -s "07/15/2008 00:06:00 "
 mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss
Tue Jul 15 00:06:00 EDT 2008

[root@database ~]# cal

[root@database ~]# cal 12 2008

[root@database ~]# man mkdir

[root@database ~]# man cal

To see the content screen wise

[root@database ~]# ls -l /bin  | less

Visual Interface (VI)

Commands to Go into Insert mode

To open a file use vi

# vi test.txt

i   -  inserts the text at current cursor position
I   -  inserts the text at  beginning of line
a   -  appends the text after current cursor position
A   -  appends the text at end of line
o   -  inserts a line below current cursor position
O   -  inserts a line above current cursor position
r   -  replace a single char at current cursor position

Commands at execute mode

:q -  quit without saving
:q!   -  quit forcefully without saving
:w   -  save
:wq   -  save & quit
:wq! -  save & quit  forcefully
:x -  save & quit
:sh -  Provides temporary shell
:se nu -  Setting line numbers
:se nonu -  Removing line numbers
:84   -  Press enter goes to line 84

To move the cursor, press the h,j,k,l keys as indicated.    
             k              Hint:  The h key is at the left and moves left.
       < h       l >               The l key is at the right and moves right.
             j                     The j key looks like a down arrow

w forward   word to word
b     back side word to word

Command's at command mode

dd   -  Deletes a line
2dd   -  Deletes 2 lines
yy   -  Copy a line
2yy   -  Copies 2 lines
p -  put  (deleted or copied text)
u -  Undo (can undo 1000 times)
Ctrl+r -  Redo
G - Moves cursor to last line of file
5G - Moves cursor to 5th line of file
Shift+ZZ -  save & quit
/ -  locate word

To find and replace words

1-- To start the search at from 1st line
$ -> End of File
s -> substitute
g -> global
c -> confirmation

To power off machine

# poweroff

Looking forward for your suggestions.. please feel free to write to me.. Your help would definitely help to improve our blog. Chetan Yadav

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

11g background Process

11g background Process

New background processes in 11g. As per Oracle documentation there are 56 new background processes added in 11g release 1

Some Important background Process

MMAN - this process is responsible for ASMM in 10g and AMM in 11g  which manages memory allocation to SGA and PGA

RCBG - this background process is responsible for processing data into server result cache

DIAG - In 11g we have a single location for all the trace files, alert log and other diagnostic files. DIAG is the process which performs  diagnostic dumps and executes oradebug commands

DIA0 – responsible for hang detection and deadlock resoultion

DBRM – Database resource manager is responsible for setting plans to users and all other database resource management activities

EMNC – Event Monitor Coordinator will coordinate with event management and notification activity

FBDA – Flashback Data Archiver process is responsible for all flashback related actions in 11g database

GEN0 - General task execution process which performs required tasks

SMCo – Space management coordinator executes various space management tasks like space reclaiming, allocation etc. It uses slave processes Wnnn whenever required

VKTM – Virtual keeper of time is  responsible for keeping track of the wall-clock time and used as a reference-time counter

Looking forward for your suggestions.. please feel free to write to me.. Your help would definitely help to improve our blog.  Chetan Yadav 

Monday, September 2, 2013

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
Date date = sdf.parse(“2013-08-05 17:41:37”);
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
String finaldate = sdf.format(calendar.getTime());

Looking forward for your suggestions.. please feel free to write to me.. Your help would definitely help to improve our blog. Chetan Yadav

Friday, August 23, 2013

Oracle Webinars Coming Up In August 2013

Oracle Webinars Coming Up
Syed Jaffar Hussain (Oracle ACE Director) explains how to upgrade a 2 node 11gR2 clusterware and database to Oracle 12c. Register now (Limited spaces).
Kyle Hailey (Oracle ACE, OakTable) looks at different types of cloning technology and demonstrates how to setup risk-free database experiments. Register now(Limited spaces).
Cary Millsap (Oracle ACE Director, OakTable) explains why great performance at scale doesn't happen by accident and how performance should be measured.Watch video.

Looking forward for your suggestions.. please feel free to write to me.. Your help would definitely help to improve our blog. Chetan Yadav

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

How to unlock the user oracle (ORA-28000)

How to unlock the user
How to unlock the user in oracle, or how to solve ORA-28000

SQL> conn sqlplus AS sysdba
Enter password:



SQL> conn sqlplus as sysdba
Enter password:
SQL> alter user scott
  2  account unlock;

User altered.

SQL> conn  scott/tiger
ORA-28001: the password has expired

Changing password for scott
New password:
Retype new password:
Password changed

Looking forward for your suggestions.. please feel free to write to me.. Your help would definitely help to improve our blog. Chetan Yadav

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Download and Installation of Oracle VM Virtual machine

 Step by step with snap shot 

Download and Installation of Oracle VM Virtual machine in windows 

Here we will see, from where we can download the oracle Vm virtual machine and how install it .

1. Prerequisites
2.Download location
3. Installation .

1. Prerequisites

               i) Memory (RAM) 2 GB
               ii)Hared Disk space 8GB

2. Download Location 

this is the location where you will get the oracle VM

from here you can select your platform where you need to install oracle vm

3. Installation 

                after download you will get this file

  •  Double click on the setup file.
image "a"

  •  I am installing in "windows7" so i am getting image "a" else you will directly reach to next step

image "b"
  •  Click on "next"
image "c"

  • Select the option according to your choice. it will not effect on installation. 
image "d"

  • Installation started  
image "e"

  • Click on "finish" and your installation is complete. 
image "f"

"Image F" sis showing the Oracle VM virtual box.

  • You can download this in PDF format  form below link



  • You can watch this on video on


Looking forward for your suggestions.. please feel free to write to me.. Your help would definitely help to improve our blog. Chetan Yadav

Friday, September 30, 2011

tns error

ORA-12154 : "TNS:could not resolve  service name"

Cause : oracle Net Services cannot locate the connect descriptor specified in the  tnsnames.ora configuration .

>> verify the tnsnames.ora files exists and that accessible .
>>verify that tnsnames.ora file in the location by the TNS_ADMIN environment variable.

ORA-12198: "TNS: could not find  path to destination  "
ORA-12203: "TNS: unable to connect the destination "

>> verify that you have correctly enter the service name of the database that you  want to connect.
>> verify that service name address ADDRESS parameter in the connect descriptor of your  tnsname.ora file are correct .
>> verify that you tnsname.ora  file stored in the directory defined in the TNS_ADMIN environment Variable

Looking forward for your suggestions.. please feel free to write to me.. Your help would definitely help to improve our blog. Chetan Yadav


sample tnsnames.ora


# tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\network\admin\tnsnames.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = xp)(PORT = 1521))
      (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)

      (SID = PLSExtProc)


here my DB name is "ORCL"
host is "XP"

The tnsnames.ora file is used to store the net services names. The deafault location is %ORACLE_HOME\network\admin on windows and $ORACLE_HOME/netwrok/admin/on UNIX.

any mistake is there or u wanna give any suggestion so please write to me ............

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Configuring Network settings on Oracle VM

any mistake is there or u wanna give any suggestion so please write to me ............

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

how to create tablesape in oracle

Create tablespace
SQL> create tablesapce tablesape_name
        datafile 'datafilepath'
        size 40m
        autoextend on
        next 32 m
        extend management local;

Create Temporary tablespce 
SQL> create temporary tablesapce tablesape_name
        datafile 'datafilepath'
        size 40m
        autoextend on
        next 32 m

        extend management local;

(temporary tablespce can have only temp files not datafiles )

Looking forward for your suggestions.. please feel free to write to me.. Your help would definitely help to improve our blog. Chetan Yadav

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

More oracle DBA interview question and answer

What is the Maximum allowed length of Record group Column?
Record group column names cannot exceed 30 characters.
Which parameter can be used to set read level consistency across multiple queries?
Read only
What are the different types of Record Groups?
Query Record Groups
NonQuery Record Groups
State Record Groups
From which designation is it preferred to send the output to the printed? 
What are difference between post database commit and post-form commit?
Post-form commit fires once during the post and commit transactions process, after the database commit occurs. The post-form-commit trigger fires after inserts, updates and deletes have been posted to the database but before the transactions have been finalized in the issuing the command. The post-database-commit trigger fires after oracle forms issues the commit to finalized transactions.
What are the different display styles of list items?
Pop_listText_listCombo box
Which of the above methods is the faster method?
performing the calculation in the query is faster.
With which function of summary item is the compute at options required?
percentage of total functions.
What are parameters?
Parameters provide a simple mechanism for defining and setting the valuesof inputs that are required by a form at startup. Form parameters are variables of type char,number,date that you define at design time.
What are the three types of user exits available ?
Oracle Precompiler exits, Oracle call interface, NonOracle user exits.
How many windows in a form can have console?
Only one window in a form can display the console, and you cannot change the console assignment at runtime.
What is an administrative (privileged) user? (for DBA )
Oracle DBAs and operators typically use administrative accounts to manage the database and database instance. An administrative account is a user that is granted SYSOPER or SYSDBA privileges. SYSDBA and SYSOPER allow access to a database instance even if it is not running. Control of these privileges is managed outside of the database via password files and special operating system groups. This password file is created with the orapwd utility.
What are the two repeating frame always associated with matrix object?
One down repeating frame below one across repeating frame.
What are the master-detail triggers?
How does one connect to an administrative user? (for DBA )
If an administrative user belongs to the "dba" group on 
Unix, or the "ORA_DBA" (ORA_sid_DBA) group on NT, he/she can connect like this:
connect / as sysdba
No password is required. This is equivalent to the desupported "connect internal" method.
A password is required for "non-secure" administrative access. These passwords are stored in password files. Remote connections via Net8 are classified as non-secure. Look at this example:
connect sys/password as sysdba
How does one create a password file? (for DBA )
The Oracle Password File ($ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapw or orapwSID) stores passwords for users with administrative privileges. One needs to create a password files before remote administrators (like OEM) will be allowed to connect.
Follow this procedure to create a new password file:
. Log in as the 
Oracle software owner
. Runcommand: orapwd file=$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapw$ORACLE_SID password=mypasswd
. Shutdown the database (SQLPLUS> SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE)
. Edit the INIT.ORA file and ensure REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE=exclusive is set.
. Startup the database (SQLPLUS> STARTUP)
NOTE: The orapwd utility presents a 
security risk in that it receives a password from the command line. This password is visible in the process table of many systems. Administrators needs to be aware of this!
Is it possible to modify an external query in a report which contains it?
Does a grouping done for objects in the layout editor affect the grouping done in the data model editor?
How does one add users to a password file? (for DBA )
One can select from the SYS.V_$PWFILE_USERS view to see which users are listed in the password file. New users can be added to the password file by granting them SYSDBA or SYSOPER privileges, or by using the orapwd utility. GRANT SYSDBA TO scott;
If a break order is set on a column would it affect columns which are under the column?
Why are OPS$ accounts a security risk in a client/server environment? (for DBA)
If you allow people to log in with OPS$ accounts from Windows 
Workstations, you cannot be sure who they really are. With terminals, you can rely on operating system passwords, with Windows, you cannot.
If you set REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT=TRUE in your init.ora file, Oracle assumes that the remote OS has authenticated the user. If REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT is set to FALSE (recommended), remote users will be unable to connect without a password. IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY will only be in effect from the local host. Also, if you are using "OPS$" as your prefix, you will be able to log on locally with or without a password, regardless of whether you have identified your ID with a password or defined it to be IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY.
Do user parameters appear in the data modal editor in 2.5?
Can you pass data parameters to forms?
Is it possible to link two groups inside a cross products after the cross products group has been created?
What are the different modals of windows?
Modalless windows
Modal windows
What are modal windows?
Modal windows are usually used as dialogs, and have restricted functionality compared to modelless windows. On some platforms for example operators cannot resize, scroll or iconify a modal window.
What are the different default triggers created when Master Deletes Property is set to Non-isolated?
Master Deletes Property Resulting Triggers
Non-Isolated(the default) On-Check-Delete-Master
What are the different default triggers created when Master Deletes Property is set to isolated?
Master Deletes Property Resulting Triggers
Isolated On-Clear-Details
What are the different default triggers created when Master Deletes Property is set to Cascade?
Master Deletes Property Resulting Triggers
Cascading On-Clear-Details
What is the diff. bet. setting up of parameters in reports 2.0 reports2.5?
LOVs can be attached to parameters in the reports 2.5 parameter form.
What are the difference between lov & list item?
Lov is a property where as list item is an item. A list item can have only one column, lov can have one or more columns.
What is the advantage of the library?
Libraries provide a convenient means of storing client-side program units and sharing them among multiple applications. Once you create a library, you can attach it to any other form, menu, or library modules. When you can call library program units from triggers menu items commands and user named routine, you write in the modules to which you have attach the library. When a library attaches another library, program units in the first library can reference program units in the attached library. Library support dynamic loading-that is library program units are loaded into an application only when needed. This can significantly reduce the run-time memory requirements of applications.
What is lexical reference? How can it be created?
Lexical reference is place_holder for text that can be embedded in a 
sql statements. A lexical reference can be created using & before the column or parameter name.
What is system.coordination_operation?
It represents the coordination causing event that occur on the master block in master-detail relation.
What is synchronize?
It is a terminal screen with the internal state of the form. It updates the screen display to reflect the information that oracle forms has in its internal representation of the screen.
What use of command line parameter cmd file?
It is a command line argument that allows you to specify a file that contain a set of arguments for r20run.
What is a Text_io Package?
It allows you to read and write information to a file in the 
file system.
What is forms_DDL?
Issues dynamic Sql statements at run time, including server side pl/SQl and DDL
How is link tool operation different bet. reports 2 & 2.5?
In Reports 2.0 the link tool has to be selected and then two fields to be linked are selected and the link is automatically created. In 2.5 the first field is selected and the link tool is then used to link the first field to the second field.
What are the different styles of activation of ole Objects?
In place activationExternal activation
How do you reference a Parameter?
In Pl/Sql, You can reference and set the values of form parameters using bind variables syntax. Ex. PARAMETER name = '' or :block.item = PARAMETER Parameter name
What is the difference between object embedding & linking in Oracle forms?
In Oracle forms, Embedded objects become part of the form module, and linked objects are references from a form module to a linked source file.
Name of the functions used to get/set canvas properties?
Get_view_property, Set_view_property
What are the built-ins that are used for setting the LOV properties at runtime? 
What are the built-ins used for processing rows?
What are built-ins used for Processing rows?
What are the built-in used for getting cell values?
What are the built-ins used for Getting cell values?
Atleast how many set of data must a data model have before a data model can be base on it?
To execute row from being displayed that still use column in the row which property can be used?
Format trigger.
What are different types of modules available in oracle form?
Form module - a collection of objects and code routines Menu modules - a collection of menus and menu item commands that together make up an application menu library module - a collection of user named procedures, functions and packages that can be called from other modules in the application
What is the remove on exit property?
For a modelless window, it determines whether oracle forms hides the window automatically when the operators navigates to an item in the another window.
What is WHEN-Database-record trigger?
Fires when oracle forms first marks a record as an insert or an update. The trigger fires as soon as oracle forms determines through validation that the record should be processed by the next post or commit as an insert or update. c generally occurs only when the operators modifies the first item in the record, and after the operator attempts to navigate out of the item.
What is a difference between pre-select and pre-query?
Fires during the execute query and count query processing after oracle forms constructs the select statement to be issued, but before the statement is actually issued. The pre-query trigger fires just before oracle forms issues the select statement to the database after the operator as define the example records by entering the query criteria in enter query mode.Pre-query trigger fires before pre-select trigger.
What are built-ins associated with timers?
What are the built-ins used for finding object ID functions?
What are the built-ins used for finding Object ID function?
Any attempt to navigate programmatically to disabled form in a call_form stack is allowed?
Use the Add_group_row procedure to add a row to a static record group 1. true or false?

any mistake is there or u wanna give any suggestion so please write to me ............